The North Canton Police Department is made up of twenty-three full – time and four part-time sworn police officers, seven full – time and two part-time communications dispatchers, and one administrative assistant. The services provided by the sworn officers of the department include patrol operations, traffic enforcement, investigations, community policing and a special response team.
The Emergency Medical Service of the North Canton Fire Department is staffed by nine (9) full-time Paramedics and thirty-eight (38) part-time Paramedics or Emergency Medical Technicians. The EMS is staffed 24 hours a day and responds on-call with full-time and part-time personnel. Additionally, fifteen (15) firefighters either Paramedics or EMT’s and assist the EMS.
North Canton Fire/EMS Website.
Thanks to the dedication of our safety forces North Canton was recently named one of the 50 Safest Cities in Ohio.