The Viking21 project includes new technology and innovative furniture in classrooms / Stan Myers |
Kelli Young staff writer
Posted Aug. 13, 2014 @ 12:00 pm NORTH CANTONThe Repository spoke with the leaders at each of Stark County’s public school districts to see what changes the new school year will bring.
Here’s what students attending the North Canton City School District will see when they return to class Aug. 21:
• Using a $4.6 million state grant, North Canton has launched its Viking21 project, which includes new technology and innovative furniture in its classrooms. The project includes a fabrication lab with graphic design equipment, such as a vinyl cutter, a wide-carriage printer, a 3-D printer, a 3-D scanner, a wood-working lab and a laser engraver. The district now also has a beat-box lab and a video vault. A “tinker tank” will let students manipulate robotics, and a “media:scape” lets students share information across devices.
• Hoover High School’s library boasts a distance learning lab, where students can take courses not offered in the district, such as Chinese, or North Canton teachers can instruct students across the world. The furniture in classrooms for grades five through 12 now have wheels to give teachers the ability to rearrange the layout so students can collaborate on projects. The rooms are also equipped with an “eno” board, which functions as a whiteboard and an interactive technology board.
• The district has cut its theater arts program at the middle school due to low ratings by parents and students and to provide room for more desirable courses.
• New security vestibules are being installed in the high school and middle school. The district already has created vestibules at its four elementary buildings.
• North Canton has four new administrators this year: Roman Capper is now principal of Greentown Intermediate; Linnea Olbon is the principal at North Canton Middle School and Darlene Howald and David Eby are the new associate principals at the middle school.
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